Label: "government bond"

bank épület fiókbezárás
November 22, 2024 12:20

This is how the new extra profit tax regulation will impact Hungary's banking sector

The tax base, the rate and the option of halving have also been updated by the legislative change

August 27, 2024 10:00

Cenbank revision finds another HUF 1,000 billion of household savings in foreign accounts

The additional transaction tax from 1 October will certainly not help the situation

magyar államkincstár babakötvény
February 13, 2024 09:43

Government tweaks Baby Bond rules in an unexpected decision

Start accounts can only receive up to HUF 1.2 million in a calendar year

parlament állampapír budapest
January 31, 2024 12:21

Treasury bill auction today did not reach the advertised amount

Interest was weak, the debt manager cut the accepted amount

varga mihály mti
December 07, 2023 09:36

Finance Minister: easier, instant opening of Treasury accounts for all Hungarians

Mihály Varga and the President of the Hungarian State Treasury, hold a press conference on the details

allampapirpiaci kilatasok panelbeszelgetes Budapest Economic Forum
October 18, 2023 09:54

ÁKK chief: gov't should do everything in its power to keep country in investment grade

Summary of the Budapest Economic Conference 2023 roundtable discussion

Nincs megállás: a forint után a magyar kötvényeket is megütötték
September 08, 2023 11:15

Investment funds significantly increase their holdings of government bonds over the summer

The government's scheme worked - in some areas at least

parlament budapest országház getty stock
August 25, 2023 09:15

Peculiar developments discovered at retail Hungarian government securities

Figures for the first month burdened by social contribution tax available

Visszaszédült a korábbi sávjába a forint
August 21, 2023 10:54

Battle for our savings: where will Hungarians put their money?

Latest savings statistics from the National Bank of Hungary are out

parlament országház budapest getty stock
August 11, 2023 13:10

Is the inflation-tracking government bond really a Hungarian speciality?

The PMÁP is on a roll here at home, so we checked to see if there's a similar trend in the rest of the world

June 02, 2023 11:30

Here comes the mandatory government bond holding for investment funds

But where will the HUF 500 billion for this purpose come from?

June 01, 2023 11:10

Hungarian government introduces new tax on savings

The decree was published in the Hungarian Official Gazette last night

Magyarország tényleg akkora sikersztori lenne?
April 04, 2023 09:03

Hungarian Government Debt Management Agency: 42% of the annual issuance plan already met

A euro-denominated bond issue is expected in the second half of the year

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
March 08, 2023 10:11

The government has done what it could to fight inflation - FinMin

The 2024 budget will also be prepared soon

February 20, 2023 15:05

It's almost unbelievable where Hungarians rescued savings from killer inflation

Inflation is scorching up savings at a frantic rate

sándor palota budapest fiatal nő getty stock
January 17, 2023 10:25

Hungarians pour their savings into investment funds

Last year saw an unprecedented influx of fresh money, with peak figures in December

Budapest mátyás templom halászbástya
January 11, 2023 16:08

Hungary buys back USD 1 bn notes

Indicative results show

January 11, 2023 09:27

Hungarian public no longer the largest creditor of the state

The order reversed again in the last few months

December 19, 2022 14:09

Hungarian pension yields deplorable compared to other countries

Three interesting graphs show the main differences

hősök tere budapest_getty_stock
November 15, 2022 15:00

The big Hungarian retail government bond turnaround is here

After months of waiting.